Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

【KarenT】「Kagamine Rin・Len festival '11」Special Public!

Anniversary Release 4 Kagamine 「鏡音リン・レン祭'11」is published

cosMo@暴走Pさん、ゆにめもさん、ぶっちぎりPさん、TakeponGさん、Neruさん、KulfiQさん、はややさん、AETAさん、あつぞうくんさん、チャリけんPさん、キッドPさん、ジェバンニPさん、いーえるP @ TinySymphonyさん、そそそ (津久井箇人)さん、だいすけPさん、D.S.Lさん、As'257Gさん、koushirouさん A total of 20 titles you for your participation in a total of 18 people's creative The studded!※no particular order

Birthday is December 27
Be delivered of the songs are iTunesStore and AmazonMP3、mora Hitoshi no PC saitoand other distribution sites Mikumoba
Morade wa Android music will also be delivered
Featured Page title can listen through 20 minutes
*30 seconds of the song that players KarenTfeet can be watched over that song about 15 seconds of YouTube videos

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